Multiservice barge SEEM 20-1000ST
Overall length: 20.00 m
Overall width : 9,00 mCrew : 10Total power : 2 x 500 hp
Speed : 9,80 Knots
Deadweight : 290 t
Bollad pull : 13 t
Fuel oil : 23 000 liters
Elecric power : 2 x 85 kWe
Hydraulic power : 130kW
Classification :
Special service / Workboat / Tug
✠ Hull • Machinery
Wood protection on main deck
D fender
Tyre fender
Long lasting paint system
Sacrificial anodes
Tanks capacities
Steel hull
Steel superstructure
Unslipery main deck
Mooring and Towing
Tanks capacities
Fuel oil : 23 000 l
Cleanup : 20 000 l
Black / Grey water
Bilge water
Keel cooling
Dry exhaust system
Pilot seat with suspension and footrest
Flooding alarm system
Engine room fire alarm system
Crew mess with cupboard, toilet, kitchen
Electricity and Deck layout
Main, dredging, auxiliary winches
13 t towing hook
7 t at 10 m crane
0,5 t at 5 m crane
Hydraulic windlass
24 V, 220V , 400 V electric networks
Propulsion system
2 x 375 kW diesel engines
2 x 85 kWe generator sets
2 x 316L stainless steel mainshafts
2 x Nozzle Kaplan propellers
2 x 55 kW Hydraulic power unit

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SociétÉ des Établissements Merré
Tel. : +33 (0)2 40 29 50 44
Fax : +33 (0)2 40 29 52 56
Email :
Address :
Route de Nantes
B.P. 57
Nort sur Erdre
Opening hours :
from Monday to Thursday :
07:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00
on Friday :
07:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 15:30